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Participation Policy

Participation policy

As we aim to create a professional and respectful environment for all participants in the Social Media Influencer Summit , we kindly request you to adhere to the following terms and conditions during the event:

No Barcode, No Entry: Please ensure you have your event barcode while entering the premises, (Kindly check your email for the Bar Code). Entry will only be granted to those with a valid barcode and ensure you always have the Hand Band while in the T-Hub Premises. Barcode is exempted for Guests, Cultural Artists,  Volunteers and Organisers.

Prohibition of Smoking, Alcohol, and Tobacco: The consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco is strictly prohibited within the event premises. We strive to maintain a healthy and welcoming environment for all attendees.

No Skits or Comedy Bytes: To ensure a focused and professional atmosphere, shooting skits or comedy bytes is not allowed within the T-Hub premises . We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the decorum of the event and any found so shall be disqualified  from event participation.

Dress Code: Attendees are requested to wear formal or informal attire that is pleasant and appropriate for a professional setting. This helps us create a cohesive and respectful environment for all participants.

Respectful Behaviour: We expect all attendees to engage in respectful and considerate behaviour towards others. Harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.

Punctuality: Please be punctual for all sessions and activities. Timeliness ensures that the event runs smoothly and that everyone can benefit from the full agenda.

Pets: Pets are not allowed in the T-Hub premise as this is a Co-Working Space, kindly co-operate

Brand Promotion: Brand Promotion / Cross Selling / Providing Samples – Not Allowed Other Than Sponsors / Donors.

Photography and Recording: While personal photography is allowed (Gimbals, Phones and Camera – Without stand), we request that you respect the privacy and consent of other attendees. Professional photography or live recording for commercial purposes requires prior approval from the event organisers.

Social Media Engagement: We encourage you to share your experiences on social media using the official event hashtag #SociaWood. However, please ensure that your posts are respectful and aligned with the event’s positive and professional ethos.

Judging policy

Each entry is evaluated in a 02-stage procedure

1st Stage: Selection is based on the examination of the Social Media Profiles provided by the Influencer. The profiles are scrutinised to ensure the absence of (a) Click Bait, (b) Fake News, (c) Hate Speech, (d) Obscene / Vulgar (e) Promoting Fake & Betting Apps  (f) Political Propaganda and (g) Content that undermines the sovereignty of our Nation, as promoted by the influencer.

Criteria: (a) Minimum of One Lakh Subscribers is the criteria for Award Nomination Category. (b) There is no minimum Subscriber Count required for Participation and is based on first come first serve basis and the right is reserved by Organisers. (c) Only one channel per person is permissible.  (d) The decision of the Awards by the Jury and  the Organisers will be final and non-contestable. (e) Invitation posters will be created for selected influencers who have over 400,000 subscribers, as well as for micro-influencers who have been recognised for their achievements.

Important: Additionally, the jury may grant Special Mention Awards to the individuals who have exceptional achievements, regardless of the number of followers they have, which are based on the (a) Relevance (b) Innovation (c) Holistic Thinking & User-centric Approach (d) Empowerment (e) Outcome & Business Value


Please note that all social media influencers must register to participate in the event, irrespective of whether you are nominated or shortlisted for the award. The award isn’t just a trophy; it’s your launchpad for using creativity to drive positive change. The decision of the internal four member jury will be final in determining the winners. No appeals or re-evaluations will be entertained and we regret for any inconvenience caused.

Contacts Us
For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us to the below e-mail.

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